Monday 18 July 2011

Prints prints prints

I have been absent again from the blog for a while the main reason being lack of interesting events to blog about and lazyness but I have a feeling the next few weeks will be very eventful so hopefully more posts will be up : )

Towards the end of June myself and Mandy a  friend from uni went to a printing class in Sheffield. Here are a few prints I created using a printing press. I do like the prints but I think the class was a chance to experiement as I haven't been doing anything print related in the last 2 years since uni.

Here are the prints below - Very purple I'm obsessed!

I'm definately going to be framing these for the new house :)

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Wednesday 15 June 2011

Music, Moving, Peace

A few pictures from the weekend..
Click on for moving GIF

We headed to brum to see some bands TERA MELOS (USA) // TANGLED HAIR // SHAPES // &U&I // CONQUISTADORS at the HMV Instutute which is an amazing new-ish venue in brum.

Last weekend we went to a small festival in Sheffield called Peace in the park - Saw a few good bands and drank alot.. shame the sun didn't stay out and we got rather chilly so left earlier than we would of.

Big news of last week was that me and Sam found a house!! :D which felt perfect but we don't sign anything until the end of the month so *fingers crossed* it doesn't fall through! I am already planning in my head what I want it to look like and things to buy. oh no.. I think Sam is more excited about the fact it has a bar in the cellar which is pretty sweeet!

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Monday 30 May 2011

Saltaire arts trail

So rather than sit inside on a miserable bank holiday Monday me Hayley and Mandy headed up to Saltaire for the open house art trail. The visit has inspired us all to do more surface designs and experiment more! here are a few photo's from today :)

Brought some prints by Clare Caulfield of Paris which are so cute!

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Saturday 28 May 2011

Paris, designs and the big move.

I'm rubbish at posting these days! I haven't posted in over a month now whoops.

So in the past month I turned 23 (old now) and celebrated with a trip to Paris which was amazing and surreal more than anything. It was an adventure rather than a relaxing city break, we spent a lot of time wandering around on the metro visiting as much as possible in the four days we had there.Paris is very spread out so requires a lot of hopping on and off the metro which sometimes was fun and sometimes rather tedious but I think that and how expensive things are may be the only downside of Paris.

We visited the Louvre which was amazing! I think me and Sam where more impressed with the building more than anything else, we also went half way up the Eiffel tower thanks to Sam's fear of heights :P but I didn't mind as It was still a great experience. We also visited the catacombs which were very eerie, It blew my mind slightly how many people were buried there! I think my favourite place we visited was Montmartre with it's incredible view of the whole city.

This month I had a creative streak and managed to create a few more prints to sell on my Etsy shop - They were very quickly made and quite simple really but at least I have a few more designs to add to my surface design portfolio.

Coming up..

I am rather excited for the coming months as me and Sam are planning to move in together and find a cosy little flat / house to call are own :) I can't wait to be able to buy lots of new things and decorate to our tastes and have the freedom to live how we want and not be told off for leaving things in the wrong place :P ahem.

On Tuesday I found out my job has been extended until the end of October so that gives me more time to find something permanent hooray!

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Monday 25 April 2011

Picnic party

It's been ages since my last post, a month already! April has been a good month - lots of things have gone on but I am very much looking forward to May and my birthday adventures to Paris :)Rather enjoying all these bank holidays at the moment although this 3 day work week coming up seems pointless and a bit of a chore :(

The weather this month has been beautiful so we enjoyed the first BBQ of the year a couple of weeks ago and spent the whole day sat in our concrete yard drinking and eating fun fun!

Claire turned 24 and celebrated with a trip to Wagamama's and a night in Corp which was a bit of a let down but still fun none the less.

This bank holiday weekend me and Sam stayed at my mum and dad's and spent the last three days drinking and eating  - pretty much lazied around the whole time which was nice. We headed up the chase with Sez and James on Saturday with a picnic and lots of beer which was fun but ended in me throwing up in the sink as I drank too much and ate too little.

Today we headed to the park for another picnic but as soon as we arrived the sun went in boo :(

Tonight I finally finished my application for Olympic tickets for one of the diving events so fingers crossed we will be heading to the Olympics in London next year!

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