Wednesday, 16 February 2011

V day, Cupcakes and Colds

 Tonight will mainly consist of these things..
I think the cupcake is the most essential part here :)

 Feeling pretty rotten today :( So I've stocked up on the de-cold and snot essentials - Hope it goes away soon as it's not fun sneezing everywhere at work and walking around looking like Rudolf boo!

I can't believe it's Wednesday already this week has flown by - not that I'm complaining as the weekend is near. Last weekend was a very relaxed weekend at home I spent Saturday baking Sam some valentine cupcakes, went out for drinks with the girls and had my hair cut on Sunday hooray :)
Red heart cupcakes I baked for Sam.

Me, Sez and Lis in spoons on the vino.

On Monday eve me and Sam headed out for a lovely meal for valentines day - It was nice and all but I think next year I'd much prefer to stay in and cook. Although I did enjoy my epic mixed grill cooked to perfection nom nom.

 Here is sam looking rather cheesey in the restraunt waiting for the meat..

and these beauties are what Sam brought me from fancie :)

Also this week I had my holiday accepted for 12th & 13th May - So we can now book our trip away to Paris for my birthday! excited!

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Saturday, 5 February 2011

Corp'n it up!

Enjoyed a night out at Corporation last night - It's been a while since we last graced the sticky floors of Corp. It's such a dive but with £2 quad vodka's & iron-bru you can't complain really! It was nice to just mosh the night away and forget about the stressfulness of work!

We are hot! a little bit drunk..

Looking forward to a relaxing night in tonight- Sam's going to cook up an epic chilli and I think trashy TV is on the cards! Looking forward to heading back to Stafford next weekend and valentines day on the Monday after -We have booked a table at a nice bar & grill : )

I've been selling a few things on Ebay recently, I need to make a few more pennies so I can save more of my pay! Typical me though - as soon as someone bids on an item and I can't go back I always regret selling and want to keep it.. oh well.

And now a little moan...

Really annoyed with myself! just realised I have epic scratches on my glasses :( and I can't afford new lenses at the moment so I'm going to have to live with big blurs over my eyes, great!

Also the lines on my laptop screen are multiplying - soon half my screen will be lined, marvellous!

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Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Red sky

Red sky in the morning...

 I think another rambling post is on the cards soon - for now pictures of the sunrise this morning which was epic and made getting up more bearable!

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