Sunday, 6 March 2011

Brighton Beach and delicious treats

I feel like I am neglecting this blog a little at the moment ! But I can never be bothered to sit and write in it after work as too much effort is involved.I think from now on I'm going to post an entry every Sunday and just ramble on about the past weeks happenings.

This week has been pretty eventful compared to some - It's been a really enjoyable one. I feel like I've settled in at work finally and feel comfortable with everyone I work with now so it's not so much of a chore any more - I feel like I don't need to make as much effort which is always good!

On Tuesday it was Amy's birthday so we celebrated with a home cooked roast and a few drinks at the local which was nice. On Thursday Sam had booked a day off work so he met me for lunch in town which made the day more bearable. In the eve me and Sam headed to a mini festival at the Harley to see Chickenhawk but to Sam's disappointment they pulled out last minuet due to illness so we just left. Yesterday was Amy's birthday tea party which involved  a buffet of delicious treats and about 5 bottles of wine were consumed before we headed out to Brighton beach at the academy.

I am looking forward to next weekend already and it's only Sunday evening! I will be heading back home which I haven't done so for a month! although it doesn't feel that long as it's flown by again. I'll get to see the best friends, family and enjoy some home cooked food.

Also I've decided that I want to go to leeds festival this year - so I need to save the pennies for that and Paris which hasn't gone well so far but oh well.

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